Friday, December 31, 2010

Southward Holiday Wrap-up

It has been a while since we have last posted, we have been staying busy.   We left last off at Halloween time.  We took Evan trick-or-treating around the neigboorhood, and he did really well.  He even walked the whole time, till it was time to be done we had to carry him and run home so we wouldn't miss the Texas Rangers in the World Series.  That was too important to miss, even though they ended up not winning the series. It was the best season by far.  Back to Halloween, I tried to find a Blues Clues costume online, but never found anything I liked, so he went as a Devil.  He made a very cute Devil, and everyone thought so at the neighboorhood festival. 
After Halloween it was time to gear up for Thanksgiving.  In past years we would travel to Dallas to visit Jasens' side of the family, and then travel back to our side to see my family.  This year we just wanted to do nothing so we ended up just going to my moms house for a little bit and then back home.  Evan is not a very good eater, so we knew if we traveled around town he would end up just eating a handful of Goldfish.  I did not take any photos of that event, it went by fairly quick.

Next, comes Christmas time.  I love love Christmas, but for the past several years, someone always gets sick, and its never me.  This year it started with a littl sniffle for Jasen, then it got passed to Evan.  I can handle runny noses and loading him up with fluids.  That seemed to pass, then the next round came.  Jasen got a little cough, then Evan got a cough, then I, yes I had a scratchy throat.  I even went to the doctor because it was 2 weeks before Christmas and I didn't want to be sick or pass anything on to Evan. I was loosing my voice, and a horrible cough but the antibiotics seemed to be helping and it went away in about a week.  Then, Evan had a rough cough, Jasens cough was ending and it looked like we were not going to be sick at Christmas!  But, Evan started waking in the middle of the night from coughing and some nights it was twice, which led to him sleeping way past his usual wake up time.  We let him sleep because sleep and fluids always help him, but it made going to be rough for a while.  I did enjoy the quite time I had in the morning before he woke up.

Now its Christmas time and we actually had all our shopping done 2 days before! That is a First!  We did our usual things, going to visit Grandma and spend the night at my in-laws.  It was much better than last year, with all that ice and Evan was sick and a zombie Christmas morning.  All was really well, except Evan not going to be till mid-night and almost missing Santa's arrival.  We had  a yummy breakfast and got some really great gifts.  Evan was a perfect helper passing out gifts to his Grandpa, Nana and Auntie Shannon. 

This was the first year that I suprised Jasen on his gift.  He always seems to figure out what I got him and its a bummer when he figures it out.  But this year, I thought about what he would not expect and tried to think of things he wouldn't really think of.
So now I hope he can take up golf or at least he wont have to borrow clubs when he goes on outings.  Here are a few other photos from Christmas.  They are of Evan of course, so I hope you enjoy!

opening more presents!

Coco enjoying her new Woodstock toy

just a few more toys