Monday, August 25, 2008

Baby Watch 2008

Evan is officially 1 day overdue. He is already disobeying his parents and is officially going to be in timeout once he is born. Sarah as you can see is delighted to be 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Baby shower??

So at work today my coworkers decided they wanted to do something nice for me and throw a "baby shower" I am slightly uncomfortable with the name however I am touched that the people I work with think so highly of me that they would like to shower me with things. So I get to have cake (fantastic) and some sort of gift item (so very nice and unnecessary) I hope to God I don't have to give some sort of speech....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tick Toc..Tick Toc....

We have had a lag in the blogging due too not much going on except for us just waiting and waiting. We are currently 5 days away from the due date of Evan being here..doesn't look like he will be arriving anytime soon. We put the car seat together and tried it out in Jasens car..and boy that was a disaster. Its going to work out but, it seems to take up a lot of room, so we are going to be a little scrunched for the time being. Here is a picture of what his room looks like.